About Us

We Provide Smart Multicare Products

Everyone seeks physical and mental well-being regardless of their background. But with the rapidly growing hastiness, we often tend to lead a considerably in-disciplined and sedentary life style. But as inevitable as it can be,we can't evade the unavoidable engagements we need to procure.


About Us

It all started with an all-natural nutraceutical called . Dreams SMP Harbal was conceived and conceptualized out of the need to beat the busy schedule and give your body the best of natural nourishment and defense. Since it was highly effective and delivered on all its promises, Dreams SMP Harbal took off in the Indian market and paved the way for other all-natural products by Dreams SMP Harbal Pvt.Ltd.Originating from the laps of natural essence, Dreams SMP Harbal comprises nine incredibly nutritious ingredients.

Regarding the whereabouts, Dreams SMP Harbal is a Nutraceuticals research and development company. Wehave a seasoned team of adept scientists and research workers who are well-versed in their respective fields. These handpicked geniuses gathered in unison, and the consequence was a magnificent blend of natural essence,eventually shaping the emergence of Dreams SMP Harbal.

Mission & Vision

A well-established company must set its vision ahead of everything. The more far-sighted a company is,the more thriving they tend to be. Since we are already considered an established direct selling organization, we must also have a visionary. As a rapidly ameliorating company, our mission is to be renowned as a successful organization and help people by improving their physical, emotional, andmental well-being.

We are trying to infuse the thought 'health is wealth' by producing proficient products. Our vision is to keep up the brilliant work we have been doing to date. The most enormousroom in this world is said to be the room for improvement - and we strictly abide by that. We are eyeing constantly developing our product, which might open up many possibilities for the people in the future. So, in a nutshell, our goal is to stand by the people, with the people, and for the people.
